Every 2 years there is a flower carpet made out of 750 000 flowers(!) in the capital of Belgium, Brussels. It`s a tradition that started in 1952, but it wasn`t until 1971 that the first large flower carpet was made on the Grande-Place in Brussels.
Every two years there is a different theme and this year the ‘Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union’ is the theme. You can admire this spectacle during the daytime as well as in the evening, when there is music and light.
I visited this beautiful flower carpet in Brussels in 2010 and took some pictures. Enjoy!
More information can be found on Flowercarpet.be
Don`t forget to read where you can find the best Belgian chocolates in Brussels, where to eat in Brussels or other places to visit in Belgium.
Is it me, or does this article forget to mention that this article refers to the flower carpet in 2010?
Good point John! When I published it, I didn`t think about mentioning the year and now there`s already a new one, time flies by. Thanks for pointing it out.