I’ve devoted some time to make easy lists of useful travel phrases you can use on your next trip. Because speaking the language in a foreign country (even if it’s only a little bit) is much appreciated by the locals. And it’s a nice way of having more feel to the place you’re visiting! When […]
Common Italian phrases for your next trip to Italy.
In case of emergency Help! Aiuto! (eye-yoo-toh) Stop! Fermate! (fair-mah-teh) Call a doctor Chiama un medico (kee-ah-mah oon meh-dee-koh) Call an ambulance Chiama un ambulanza (kee-ah-mah oon am-boo-lan-tsa) Call the police Chiama la polizia (kee-ah-mah lah pol-ee-tsee-ah) The nearest hospital? L’ospedale più vicino? (loss-peh-dah-leh pee oovee cheenoh?) Useful phrases in Italian Yes/No Si/No (see/noh) […]