Showering by AirTreks Nico (San Francisco) Make the most of good water-pressure. Wash clothes, backpacks, your body, etc, because it could be a while before you see it again.
Because it`s impossible not to be happy on the beach!
by Monica (Stott) At the beach Everyone is happy on the beach and everything is so much more fun. Reading a book in a park is nice but its so much better on a beach!
by Eurotrip Tips (Montreal) London Because it’s just so pretty and diversified. Large parks, pubs, currys, architecture, it just has everything you need. And the weather isnt so bad after all 😉
by Christina (London) Casa Battlo by Gaudi, Barcelona As exciting as New York and London are, I honestly find them too big and busy. I prefer smaller sized cities, especially Barcelona with its lovely architecture, good shopping opportunities, a beach (okay, not the best in the world, but still it’s on the sea) and sunny […]
Relief for Some Travel Medical Woes
by Jeanine Barone (New York, NY) As a travel writer, I spend a lot of time on the road. So I’ve included three tips below that have helped me on many of my journeys: Do you have problems with your ears when flying? EarPlanes are inexpensive silicon earplugs that regulate the air coming […]
Pack a Good Sense of Humour
by Authentic Seacoast Resorts (Guysborough, Nova Scotia, Canada) Nothing helps diffuse a stressful situation like a good laugh, so make certain you pack a good sense of humour when you leave on your next trip. Studies show that a smile has a positive effect on everyone around you, so face the inevitable difficulties one […]