Travel Diary Early in the morning I got up to take my flight to Venice. And I wasn`t complaining, because for a minute it looked like the ash cloud would interfere with my travel plans. Luckily by the time I left, flights were running normal again. I saved enough miles with my Continental frequent flyer […]
Things To Do in Tenerife
5 Attractions that prove Tenerife isn`t just Sun, Sea and Sangria It is all too easy to pigeon-hole Tenerife as a holiday island with just the delights of a sun, sea and sangria break to recommend it. But is that reality or a serious misconception? As a recent visitor to the island I found there […]
Step aboard El Transcantabrico Train
My experience with trains was just commuting on them to get around. And I`ve been on a night train to Germany once, the word “claustrophobic” comes to mind! So, when they told me we were going on a luxury train on the Asturias trip, my curiosity was sparked. What would it be like? Would the […]
Arriving at Madrid Airport and exploring the city of Madrid!
Travel Diary At 6.30 we were supposed to leave for the airport. At 6.15 the airport shuttle we reserved was already in front of the house! So, a bit of stress. A quick run to the bathroom, no time for breakfast (well, time enough at the airport!). And we were on our way, 45 minutes […]
The Costa Brava blogtrip
Travel Diary I`m leaving on a jet plane … to the Costa Brava. For those of you who don`t know where it is, the Costa Brava is located in the coastal region of northeastern Catalonia, Spain. As for any other trip I make, I`m excited to discover this destination. But this trip sounds like it`s […]
Basic French Phrases for travelers
Here are some basic French phrases that might come in handy on your next trip. In case of emergency Help! Au secours! (oh sekoor) Stop! Arrêtez! (aret-ay) Call a doctor Appelez un médecin (apuh-lay un medsan) Call an ambulance Appelez une ambulance (apuh-lay oon onboo-lons) Call the police Appelez la police (apuh-lay lah poh-lees) The nearest hospital? Où […]